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Category Details
Category Name
Category Created
Mon, 2nd Jul 2007
Last Article Update
Mon, 31st Jan 2011
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Showing the 27 Articles in this Category 

Article Title Article Views
How do I free a frozen stopcock or glass joint? 70767
Can Ace Glass certify volumetric ware or serialize glassware? 43081
What does Class A, Type 1 glass refer to? 61555
What does fire-polish mean? 57666
Where can I find information on extractables in lab glass ware? 42312
Where can I find information regarding plastic compatibility? 46341
Where can I find information regarding o-ring compatibility? 139717
Is there a listing of replacement o-rings for Ace Glass items? 141309
What is the temperature limit for Quartz? 65247
General Information on Bearings & Stirring Shafts 154396
Photochemistry Technical Information 133171
How to assemble a Bench Scale Reactor 257706
How to assemble a Large Scale Reactor 268793
What are is the porosity range for Ace Fritted filter ware? 48235
What is the typical thickness of Ace Fritted discs? 45473
What pressures can the fritted discs take? 52060
What are good cleaning techniques for laboratory glassware? 402594
What are the common voltages on Ace equipment products? 44737
What is the difference between borosilicate glass and quartz? 92081
Is Ace Glass labware made from Pyrex? 46171
What does hard glass and soft glass mean? 72122
What pressure can borosilicate lab glass handle? 76111
What are the typical temperature ratings on lab glassware? 108303
How do I sterilize/clean my glassware? 58966
I see a condensor in the catalog with a certain size joint, can I get different size joints? 50488
Can I get different size and number of necks on a flask? 45204
How large can you make your fritted discs? 47122