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Date Created
Mon, 2nd Jul 2007
Updated By
Wallace Rogers
Date Modified
Tue, 20th Dec 2016

   The most asked question: Why are there so many glass companies in the Vineland, NJ area?


The most asked question: Why are there so many glass companies in the Vineland, NJ area?


Most people think it’s because of the sand, and yes, that is partially true: there was indeed an abundance of pure sand available in the area. But there were also other resources readily available, including pine trees for the fires, pitch from the pine trees, and the big reason — the first commercial factory in the U.S. was placed here in the early 1700s, and it used oyster shells from the oyster fishery in the Delaware bay. The source of lime was from ground-up oyster shells. There was also a lot of open land and easy access to Philadelphia, New York and Washington. There was also easy access to a major port in Philadelphia. The first commercial factory was in Alloways in Southern New Jersey, and it was built by Casper & Richard Wistar (of Wistar Institute fame) in 1723. All the other companies came later from this base, as many glassblowers were brought in from Europe and stayed here to work. Many started their own factories in the area. There are three and four generations of glassblowers right here at Ace Glass.